This toolkit provides an overview of the bail out process; answers to frequently asked questions about bail and bail reform; a step-by-step guide on how to develop a bail out and supportive services plan; communications and fundraising tips; reflections on what happens after you post bail; and resources for those interested in leveraging their bail outs to advocate for the end of money bail.
The toolkit can be used as a guide as groups embark on the considerable planning and feasibility work necessary to conduct a bail out in their city. We work in Black communities, often focusing on Black women (cis and trans) because although our communities are disproportionately impacted, we are often excluded from conversations about solutions. As a result, the language throughout this toolkit is centered on Black liberation. This is because we believe Black liberation is a prerequisite to the liberation of all people.
We recognize that many people using this toolkit will not be Black and may decide to expand their bail outs beyond Black communities. We invite people from all communities to learn from our work and disrupt this system that harms us all. We encourage you to tailor the language where necessary.
Our bail outs are a key component of our broader strategy to build the power of local organizations so they can end the use of money bail and start experimenting with community-based support systems that will replace cages. Similarly, we hope that you will approach your bail outs as a tactic rather than a goal and will leverage them to end money bail and the underlying systems that keep so many in cages. We hope this toolkit will serve as a useful guide as you begin your bail out journey.
This toolkit is your first step in being part of the National Bail Out movement.